
What to do when a person goes missing

In order for Missing Children South Africa to legally assist the South African Police Services (SAPS) when searching for a missing child (0 – 18 years old), we require the following important information and documentation:

*When a case has been officially opened at SAPS we require the stamped Case Number with the OB or Enquiry Number

*The missing person’s name, surname, date of birth as well as the parent/guardian or the person reporting the missing person’s signature, full name and contact number. Include/upload this when reporting a missing person. It can also be e-mailed or faxed to us.

When Your Child Goes Missing

Try not to panic.

Do not wait 24 hours to report your missing child.

Get a responsible person to stay at your house while you’re at the police station or searching for your child.

This person can take messages if someone calls about the child’s disappearance or if the child returns home.

Go to your nearest police station and take a recent photograph of the child with you.

Make sure that the photograph is of good quality so that your child will be easily identifiable.

Give a good description of what the child was wearing, their last whereabouts and any information that may help the police.

Complete a SAPS 55 (A) form which safeguards the police against false or hoax reports.

This form also gives the Police permission to distribute the photos and information of the missing child.

Make sure the police give you a reference number and a contact name and number of the SAPS officer(s) assigned to the investigation.

Click on our Report Now button found on the website and complete the form.

Remember that if your child returns home, you should go to the Police station to report that the child is safe and let MCSA know that your child has returned home safely.

Source: Missing Children South Africa

For more info please call MCSA on 072 647 7464/

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